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Oldtymestockings French Sock Machine Museum

La Laborieuse Circular Knitting Machine

The Harrison sock machines were distributed throughout Europe and the Americas.  The La Laborieuse, which means "the workhorse" was Harrison's French version of their circular knitting machines.  Note its stark resemblance to Harrison's English versions.

La Ruche Circular Knitting Machine

This French knitting machine closely resembles the English Beehive and Creelman's Improved Money Maker.  Tappet plates, cam shells, ribber dials and cylinders are composed of cast iron.  This sock machine came standard with a 42/84 combination.

La Semeuse Circular Knitting Machine

The French La Semeuse sock knitting machine is one of the rarest sock machines in existence.  Unlike most French sock machines which were manufactured in England and sold in France with French decals, the French La Semeuse sock machine was manufactured and sold in France.  The La Semeuse sock machine is composed of solid nickel and cast iron and resembles the Harrison circular knitting machine in design.  Much like Harrison sock machines, French La Semeuse sock machines won numerous awards for craftsmanship and design at French knitting exhibitions.

Travailleurs Reunis Circular Knitting Machine

The Travailleurs Reunis sock machine is the French version of the Beehive circular knitting machine.  Note the gold trim and patterned decals along the base of the machine.

The small crank wheel, tappet plate and ribber arm mirror the Beehive sock machine in construction.  As with all English sock machines, the Travailleurs Reunis circular knitting machine came standard with a 42/84 combination and was composed of cast iron and steel.     

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