Sock Machine Restoration Services

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We regret that you are experiencing problems with your antique sock machine.  Sock machines purchased from auction sites or acquired from third parties do not come with a guarantee that they will produce a full-length sock.

The majority of sock machines sold on auction sites do not have knitting on them.  In particular, most never show the ribbing attachment in work with ribbed knitting coming from the machine.  For this reason, auction site purchases remain risky.

Although many have purchased sock machines from auction sites at costs less than that charged by professional restorers, they soon discover that the cost of the machine and the additional expense invested to restore their purchase to full and proper working order does not render much savings.

One must also consider the time lost and mounting frustration that one experiences when trying to knit on a machine that has no guarantee that it is in sound working condition.  Having no knowledge of the art of sock machine knitting makes restoration virtually impossible.

Regrettably, we have seen this situation time and time again.  86.9% of our customers are previous auction site purchasers.  Hence, the significance of this issue has led us to address it publicly.

Be of good courage, for there is a solution.  Oldtymestockings can fully and properly restore your antique sock machine to full working order.  The Lord has blessed us with the skill and ability to do so.

A full restoration includes the cylinder cam mechanism and the ribbing attachment, if one is available.  Upon return to you, a finished sock, stockinette samples and ribbed samples will arrive, still attached to the machine.

Thus, should you have any difficulty operating the machine, you will know with 100% certainty that it is simply a matter of inexperience and not the knitting machine.  It is this type of security that makes beginning knitters happy knitters.  Thereafter, the only thing that is required is time and patience to learn.

The cost to completely restore an antique sock machine begins at $400.00.  Should parts of the machine be broken, damaged, missing or ill-functioning, we will inform you of the cost required to rectify the issue.  The replacement of broken, damaged, missing or ill-functioning parts is not included in the cost of the restoration.

Shipment of the machine to us and its subsequent return must be incurred by the owner of the sock machine. The method of shipment is your choice.  Insurance is optional, but highly recommended.

If you wish to begin knitting as quickly as possible, you may wish to consider U.P.S, FedEx or D.H.L.  If time is not of the essence, you may wish to consider parcel post via the U.S. Postal Service.  International customers should contact us directly, prior to sending their machines abroad.

We will be able to determine the problem with your machine, if we can "physically" touch, examine and inspect the machine.  Pictures are useless.  We must be able to operate the machine and see how the machine functions in order to determine what is amiss.  Restoration time is approximately 2 weeks.

If you have not done so, we recommend that you cleanse the machine completely, prior to sending it to us.  If the machine arrives with lint, debris or corrosion, the machine will have to be cleansed prior to us restoring it. This will augment the cost of the restoration.

Should you have further queries about having your machine restored to optimal working order, please feel free to telephone us at 603 448 1087, 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. E.S.T, Monday - Saturday.  We are closed on Sunday, the Sabbath, to worship our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus.

Thank you for contacting us.  We look forward to serving you.  Have a blessed day.

Faithful in Christ,
Oldtymestockings, Inc.

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